
Róise & Frank: Introducing access>CINEMA’s second New Audiences Initiative film

access>CINEMA is happy to announce the charming new Irish-language film Róise & Frank will be the next film supported under our New Audiences Initiative.

The New Audiences Initiative is a scheme aimed at offering our network cinemas and clubs extra marketing & promotional support for one new cinema release per quarter. It could be a challenging film that’s outside the mainstream but deserving of an audience; a film that tackles distinctively Irish stories or prominently features the Irish language; a film from a country that is rarely represented on Irish screens; or a small, independent film that could benefit from screenings targeting a particular audience. The hard-hitting Polish drama Leave No Traces was the first film supported under the initiative earlier this year.

This quarter’s film, Róise & Frank, is written & directed by Rachael Moriarty and Peter Murphy. It follows Róise, a woman still in mourning following the death of her husband Frank. She is initially annoyed when a mysterious dog shows up at her door. But a series of eerie coincidences soon has Róise convinced that the dog is Frank, reincarnated. As this new canine companion helps Róise overcome her grief, ‘Frank madra’ also proves an unlikely new friend for shy, hurling-loving local boy Maidhchi. But as Frank wins over the town, Róise’s neighbour Donncha has some sinister plans for the doggo…

Set in the scenic Ring Gaeltacht area in Co Waterford, Róise & Frank is an Irish-language film for the whole family: a comedy-drama that will elicit smiles, tears and plenty of laughs.

access>CINEMA members who screen the film will be able to access a tailored marketing kit and additional support to promote their screening locally. Tailored social media assets for all venues screening the film will also be available.

Rachael Moriarty and Peter Murphy have recorded a special Q&A about the film which will be available exclusively to access>CINEMA members.

Róise & Frank will be screening across the access>CINEMA network from mid-October. You can find a list of currently confirmed screening venues and dates below:

The New Audiences Initiative has been made possible with the help of Screen Ireland’s Building Back Audiences: Cinema Stimulus Fund.